Our First Year

Cold Banana's First Birthday

Looking out over the Ascot Racecourse, cheering the horses over the finish line, was the perfect way to mark Cold Banana's very first birthday. As the crowd roared and glasses clinked, it felt like they were all celebrating our success!


There have been too many highlights to count over the past year, from landing our first client to buying a beer fridge, but each one has been a massively important milestone on our journey to becoming a leading .NET Development House that specializes in Agency partnerships!

The Food and Wine Racing Festival

It was only right we celebrated our success in style, so Luke whisked the whole team away to Ascot for the Food & Wine Racing Festival. Stepping into our own private box, we were greeted with champagne and canapes, the perfect start to our birthday party. Bets were placed, money was won but the real payout was all we’ve achieved over the last year.

The Coming Years

As a young company we ensured we celebrated the victories we have had, but most importantly we are targeting the next 365 days with energy and enthusiasm, we believe we can do more and help more business and we are excited by what the future holds for the business.