Umbraco Cloud: What Is It And Is It For Me?

Looking for a CMS?

If you are taking the time to read this blog I think it’s safe to assume that you are using or looking to utilise a CMS (Content Management System) for your website, aiming to make it quicker and easier to update your website which in turn should ensure you’re regularly pushing fresh content live.


If you have an operational site there are a lot of options, so what is Umbraco Cloud and why should I choose it over another solution?


Umbraco Cloud is a managed website hosting service, which as the name suggests is based in the cloud. Umbraco’s Cloud solution is built on Microsoft’s Azure an enterprise-grade cloud computing platform.

Benefits of Umbraco Cloud

With Umbraco Cloud, a significant benefit is the time savings you can achieve by removing the mundane and tedious tasks from your day. A key feature of Umbraco Cloud is automated upgrades & security fixes, which means your site is secure and running as smooth as silk. 

Umbraco Cloud Portal Simplifies User Management

Managing a host of user permissions and preferences across your business as well as external collaborators and your clients can be a huge task. 


Umbraco Cloud makes user management easy with the Umbraco Cloud Portal. The Portal gives you an overview of what is happening on your site in a centralised location. From the Umbraco Cloud Portal, you can manage user permissions and preferences, manage your team, and work with external collaborators and clients with ease.

Work Flow Tools

Umbraco Cloud supports your website's content development with various tools to save you time and troubles. The intuitive built-in tool called ContentFlow aides in a smooth editing and publishing process in separate environments. Another helpful tool is the fail-safe baselines feature which allows you to reuse elements of a project with just one click instead of starting over from scratch. Additionally, Umbraco Cloud provides tools that let you work on your project in the cloud or locally, by allowing you to clone the project to a device of your choice.


Migrating or converting an existing website to the Umbraco Cloud may present challenges for full functionality. To take full advantage of Umbraco Cloud services, it's best to use it from the start of a new project. Although you can migrate an existing site to Umbraco Cloud, manual changes may have to be made in order for your site to fully function. Also, Umbraco Cloud does not currently support projects created on the Umbraco Headless platform.

Getting Started with Umbraco Cloud

Sometimes it feels like a big leap moving from what you have been comfortable with, but Umbraco provides helpful tools for both experienced and novice users. Sign up for a free webinar to have an experienced Umbraco specialist walk you through what you can expect or watch free video tutorials that share how you can best take advantage of Umbraco Cloud's features.


For more technical details about how Umbraco Cloud can be utilised with your infrastructure, be sure to check out the Umbraco Cloud FAQs  which was created with experienced developers in mind.


Umbraco Cloud provides several different service and pricing plans to fit your project’s needs, but the easiest way to get started is to test it out for free. Umbraco offers a 14-day free trial, allowing you a hands-on experience of the many features the cloud has to offer.


If this sounds like it ticks all the boxes for your project or if you have any questions or want to get Umbraco Training, please contact us to find out more from our Umbraco experts.